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As Editor Linares, L, Harper, A & Cortes, J E. 1996. The Flowers of Gibraltar. Wildlife Books. Gibraltar. Rodriguez Pinero, J., 1997. Aves Rapaces del Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema. Wildlife Books. Gibraltar. Tebar Carrera, J., 1998. Aves de la Bahia de Cadiz. Wildlife Books. Gibraltar. Alomorza, D, Boggio, R & Cortes, J. 1999. Jorma VI. Estadistica en Estudios medioambientales. The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Gibraltar. Alomorza, D, Boggio, R & Cortes, J. 2000. Jorma VI. Estadistica en Estudios medioambientales. Poster Session. The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Gibraltar. Alomorza, D, Boggio, R & Cortes, J. 2000. IV Reunion Cientifica del Grupo Argentino de Biometria. Poster Session. The Gibraltar Ornithological & Natural History Society. Gibraltar. Hodges, J K & Cortes, J E (eds). 2006. The Barbary Macaque, Biology, Management and Conservation. Nottingham University Press. Nottingham.